Well, I made it. Another day. Today I got several calls about or for Molly. One was from a doctor I didn't know. Wonder if it was for prescriptions? Don't guess I'll find out. Another one was a complaint about some of her behavior.
Husband is not handling all this well, and I don't know how to help him. I wish I did. I'll keep working on that.
Hope you all had a wonderful day. I went to Bible Study tonight. I'm thinking about looking for a new congregation.
It sounds as if you're all going through a horribly difficult time. I keep going back to infants, so sweet and innocent. Who could ever guess when holding a newborn they could grow up to be the source of such pain? I will keep on praying for Courtney but bump Molly to the top of the list now. It's not surprising your husband isn't taking it well. Who would? It's a terrible situation to endure. I'm so sorry this is happening. Blessings to you.